Here To Help You Succeed

LoAllay consists of a team of experts in their various fields – creating a stable platform to provide everything that you would need to run a Startup or small business. We believe that every entrepreneur should have the best possible chance at succeeding, and we are here to help with all the mundane office administration and associated tasks so you can focus on your vision, and pursue your passion.

Founded by Theresa Horak – an entrepreneur herself with over 20 years’ experience in management and administration in small business environments. Her career path has moved her between various sectors, such as fashion design houses, fitness club management, Information Technology and high-profile public speaker management. As a keen student of Positive Psychology, staff well-being is a priority and evident in the cohesive team efforts when providing services to LoAllay clients.



Theresa Horak

Chief Muse and President

Roman Horak

Chief Technical Officer

Katie Rees

Senior Bookkeeper

Shelan Mansour

Senior Bookkeeper

Linda Jenson

Senior Bookkeeper

Gary Hall


Patricia (Pat) Sinka

Director of Client Relations

Lisa Mulholland

Grant Writer

Erinn Van Wynsberghe

Entrepreneur In Residence

Testimonials & Featured Clients

If you are looking for someone in whom you can trust to get the job done on time, who is detail orientated, who will not just take ownership of a project but can provide insight and acuity that will help take your organization get to the next level, Theresa is your ideal person. You will find her dedicated, capable, hard-working and she will care as much about the success of your company and its future as you do. You will not be disappointed. You will probably be richer for it.

Jeff Dubberley, Vice-President @ Cygnus Applied Research
Himalaya Yoga Meditation Adventure Logo


3 Tactics to Stay on Track as a Newbie Entrepreneur

3 Tactics to Stay on Track as a Newbie Entrepreneur

by Theresa Horak This past month, I have seen more sunrises than in my entire life, but waking up knowing that whatever I do next is to further my own dream makes me think twice about snoozing in for another hour or two.   It’s not that I am an extreme optimist or...

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5 Habits to Keeping a Clean Desk

5 Habits to Keeping a Clean Desk

    By Nada Al-Mutawaly   With a raging pandemic forcing us to work from home, staying organized has been difficult.  Our workspace is a reflection of our mental state, and staying on top of something as small as your filing system can be the key to...

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6 Habits to Increase Productivity

6 Habits to Increase Productivity

By Theresa Horak Finding time in the day is becoming increasingly challenging, especially for the busy entrepreneur.  When I started my business three years ago, I believed that the more hours I put in, the more I would get done. I used to unlock the office door as...

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